Just like his brothers, Bear (Ursus Maritimus) is developing his own personality and place in the Pack.

Bear is not the white-ish Husky we brought home anymore, growing so much darker on the tips of his fur coat.

He eats like cow, he plays hard, and may be more annoying than any dog in the hood with his yappy bark.

But this Asshole is loved by all just the same.

Turning a whole 7 months old this week, he is looking more and more like an adult husky. Weighed 54 pounds (average male is between 45-60 pounds) and noticeably longer. Being a true Asshole in this pack, he is already longer than the average male husky as he hit 39 inches while still being the shortest in height to his brothers.

His height is not even a weakness to his brothers. He is the antagonizer, constantly starting rough play with his 92 and 82 pound beasts of brothers. No fear!

Ursus Maritimus should have been called Canis Lupus Arctos (Latin for Arctic Wolf) because of his resemblances.

Every toy is Bear’s. Every bone/chew is Bear’s. A true Asshole!


By Jay

Sports guy, now owner and lover of powerful and friendly Team Asshole Huskies.